Zodiac sign GEMINI crystal set - May 21 - June 20 - horoscope astrology healing crystals

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It is believed that carrying and meditating with the stones that are associated with our zodiac sign can strengthen and attract the good energies in our life. There are several crystals for every Zodiac sign. Few of the most powerful stones for Gemini are Labradorite, Sodalite, Chrysocolla, Asterite, and Serpentine.

This set is a powerful tool to harness Gemini's strengths and overcome their challenges. These crystals encourage self-expression, intellectual growth, emotional balance, and harmonious relationships. They assist Geminis in embracing their duality, nurturing their spiritual journey, and living a more balanced and fulfilled life.

Carry them with you, place them in your home or workspace, or use them in meditation to tap into their powerful energy. Let this set be a reminder that you have the power within you to achieve anything you set your mind to.



  • Labradorite is an excellent crystal for Geminis, as it enhances their natural curiosity, intellectual abilities, and communication skills. It stimulates the mind, allowing Geminis to explore new ideas, expand their knowledge, and express themselves with clarity and confidence. This stone also provides protection against negative energies and promotes psychic awareness, assisting Geminis in accessing their intuitive abilities.
  • Sodalite is a stone that resonates deeply with Gemini's need for mental clarity and emotional balance. It is known as the "Poet's Stone" as it enhances creativity, self-expression, and communication skills. It helps Geminis organize their thoughts, improve decision-making abilities, and promote logical thinking. It also encourages self-discipline and brings a sense of calmness during times of emotional turmoil.
  • Chrysocolla is a soothing stone that supports Gemini's emotional well-being and encourages harmonious relationships. It assists Geminis in expressing their feelings effectively and fosters open communication. It also aids in balancing conflicting emotions, reducing stress, and promoting inner peace. Additionally, this stone stimulates empathy and compassion, enabling Geminis to understand others' perspectives and build stronger connections.
  • Asterite is a powerful crystal that resonates strongly with Gemini's dual nature, helping them find balance and harmony within themselves. It is a stone of transformation, encouraging personal growth, self-reflection, and embracing change. It assists Geminis in integrating their contrasting qualities, allowing them to find a middle ground between their extroverted and introverted tendencies. It also promotes adaptability, mental agility, and assists in maintaining focus during multitasking.
  • Serpentine is a stone known for its nurturing and healing properties. It is particularly beneficial for Geminis as it supports emotional stability, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. It helps Geminis release any negative patterns or beliefs that hinder their personal development. It also aids in cultivating self-confidence, enhancing communication skills, and promoting harmony in relationships. Serpentine's calming energy assists Geminis in finding a sense of balance and serenity amidst their dynamic nature.

▶To gain maximum benefit from your crystals, wear them as much as possible, preferably touching your skin, and cleanse them regularly.


  • 5 healing stones - Labradorite, Sodalite, Chrysocolla, Asterite, and Serpentine. (Due to the nature of the stones your set may look a slightly different in shape and colors. Each set is absolutely unique as each crystal is uniquely shaped).
  • Crystal meaning card
  • Crystal cleansing, activating & recharging info card
  • Everything in your crystal set will be beautifully packages ready for gifting and perfect for storing and carrying the crystals with you.



  • All crystals in your set are cleansed, but we encourage you to still do it yourself before you start setting up your intentions. One way of doing it is to place your crystals under clean water for a couple of minutes and then put them on sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. This will help recharge the stones and release any unwanted vibrations and energy they may have picked.
  • After the crystals are cleansed you need to reset their intentions. Simply hold them and concentrate your energy into what it is you are trying to manifest.
  • You can carry the crystals with you or place them in a special place in your home, or by your bed. There's no rule, you just need to feel right and be open for the crystals energy.
!!! Please understand the above description is not a promise to cure ailments. Points of the description have been taken from crystal books and online resources. Crystal meanings are for spiritual support, not prescription or healthcare information. Crystal and Spiritual healing info is not a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. It is presented as spiritual support ONLY. Please do not forego medical treatment if needed. For medical info please seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional

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