SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA crystal set for balance and alignment

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The Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Crystals Set is thoughtfully curated to promote the balance and healing of the solar plexus chakra, the third energy center in the body's chakra system. The solar plexus chakra, also known as Manipura, is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with personal power, self-confidence, willpower, and assertiveness. When this chakra is in balance, it empowers us to embrace our inner strength and make decisions with clarity and confidence. However, imbalances in this chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and an inability to assert oneself. This set of six crystals - Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Aventurine, Shungite, Tiger's Eye, and Noreena Jasper - works synergistically to activate, align, and revitalize the solar plexus chakra, promoting a sense of empowerment and renewed self-assurance.

Using the Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Crystals Set can be a transformative experience. Through regular use, meditation, or carrying these crystals with you, you can align and harmonize your solar plexus chakra, igniting your inner power and confidence. Embrace the empowering energy of these crystals and unlock the full potential of your solar plexus chakra. Remember to cleanse and charge these crystals regularly to ensure their effectiveness as they assist you on your journey of self-discovery and healing.



  • Pyrite: Often referred to as "Fool's Gold," Pyrite is a powerful crystal that radiates confidence and vitality. It stimulates the solar plexus chakra, enhancing willpower and motivation to achieve one's goals. Pyrite's energy acts as a shield against negative influences, empowering the wearer to stand tall and assert themselves while maintaining a sense of groundedness.
  • Rutilated Quartz: With its golden threads of Rutile, Rutilated Quartz enhances the energy of the solar plexus chakra, infusing it with heightened intuition and clarity. This crystal acts as an energy cleanser, dispelling self-doubt and promoting a deeper understanding of one's true potential. It helps to release any negative thought patterns that hinder personal growth and fosters a strong sense of self-confidence.
  • Yellow Aventurine: As a soothing and positive crystal, Yellow Aventurine brings warmth and comfort to the solar plexus chakra. It instills a sense of optimism and joy, encouraging the release of any emotional blockages that may hinder self-expression. Yellow Aventurine's gentle energy empowers the wearer to embrace change and take courageous steps towards personal growth.
  • Shungite: Known for its powerful grounding and protective properties, Shungite helps to stabilize the solar plexus chakra's energy. It shields the wearer from negative energies and electromagnetic radiation, allowing for a clear and unobstructed flow of energy. Shungite also promotes inner strength and self-awareness, helping to dissolve feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.
  • Tiger's Eye: A stone of strength and courage, Tiger's Eye activates the solar plexus chakra, infusing it with a boost of confidence and determination. This crystal is excellent for increasing self-discipline and willpower, enabling the wearer to make decisions with clarity and focus. Tiger's Eye also helps to balance emotions, promoting a harmonious state of mind.
  • Noreena Jasper: With its unique patterns and grounding energy, Noreena Jasper harmonizes the solar plexus chakra and fosters a sense of stability and self-assurance. It encourages a positive outlook on life and facilitates the release of past traumas or negative experiences that may have affected one's self-esteem. Noreena Jasper promotes inner peace, empowering the wearer to take control of their life and embrace their personal power.

▶To gain maximum benefit from your crystals, carry them as much as possible, touch them and hold them in your hands. Cleanse them regularly.


  • 6 healing stones - Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Aventurine, Shungite, Tiger's Eye, Noreena Jasper (Due to the nature of the stones your set may look a slightly different in shape and colors. Each set is absolutely unique as each crystal is uniquely shaped).
  • Crystal meaning card
  • Crystal cleansing, activating & recharging info card
  • Everything in your crystal set will be beautifully packages ready for gifting and perfect for storing and carrying the crystals with you.



  • All crystals in your set are cleansed, but we encourage you to still do it yourself before you start setting up your intentions. One way of doing it is to place your crystals under clean water for a couple of minutes and then put them on sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. This will help recharge the stones and release any unwanted vibrations and energy they may have picked.
  • After the crystals are cleansed you need to reset their intentions. Simply hold them and concentrate your energy into what it is you are trying to manifest.
  • You can carry the crystals with you or place them in a special place in your home, or by your bed. There's no rule, you just need to feel right and be open for the crystals energy.
!!! Please understand the above description is not a promise to cure ailments. Points of the description have been taken from crystal books and online resources. Crystal meanings are for spiritual support, not prescription or healthcare information. Crystal and Spiritual healing info is not a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. It is presented as spiritual support ONLY. Please do not forego medical treatment if needed. For medical info please seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional


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