Life path NUMBER 3 healing crystals, Numerology crystal set to manifest inspiration, innovation, self-expression

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Dive into the transformative energies of creativity and communication with Krisiaart Numerology Number 3 Healing Crystals Set. Crafted with precision and intention, this set features the harmonious blend of Sodalite, Ametrine, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, and Chrysocolla. Aligned with the spirited essence of Number 3 in numerology, these crystals are your key to unlocking the doors of artistic expression and communication.

For individuals resonating with the energy of Number 3, this set is your ideal companion. Number 3 signifies creativity, communication, and self-expression. By working with Sodalite, Ametrine, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, and Chrysocolla, you invite a wave of artistic inspiration and eloquence into your life. Embrace enhanced communication skills, tap into your artistic abilities, and express your thoughts and ideas with clarity, confidence, and creativity.

This set serves as a powerful tool for writers, artists, speakers, and anyone seeking to communicate their ideas effectively and creatively. Embrace the transformative energy of artistic expression, amplify your intuition, and let your creativity flow freely. With Krisiaart Numerology Number 3 Healing Crystals Set, your creative endeavors and communication skills are bound to flourish, guiding you toward a path of inspiration, innovation, and self-expression.



People with numerology number 3 are known for their creative and expressive nature. They have a talent for communication, art, and self-expression, and are often drawn to careers in writing, performing arts, or design. They have a natural charm and charisma that draws people to them, and they thrive in social situations.

One of the strengths of people with numerology number 3 is their ability to bring joy and positivity to those around them. They are often fun-loving, optimistic, and have a great sense of humor. They also have a strong intuition and can often sense the needs and emotions of others.

On the other hand, those with numerology number 3 can also be prone to scattered energy and a lack of focus. They may struggle with following through on long-term goals or projects and may be easily distracted by new ideas or opportunities. It's important for them to learn to prioritize and focus their energy on what truly matters to them.

Overall, people with numerology number 3 have the potential to bring a sense of lightness and creativity to the world around them. By embracing their strengths and learning to manage their weaknesses, they can create a fulfilling and joyful life while positively impacting those around them.


*** How to Calculate Your Numerology Number ***
Calculating your numerology number is simple. Add up the digits of your birthdate until you get a single-digit number. For example, if your birthdate is January 15, 1990, add 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 26, then 2 + 6 = 8. In this case, your numerology number would be 8.



  • Sodalite: Enhances creativity and intuition, encouraging clear communication and self-expression.
  • Ametrine: Balances mental clarity and spiritual insight, promoting a harmonious blend of creativity and focus.
  • Amethyst: Amplifies spiritual awareness and intuition, providing clarity of thought and emotional balance.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Stimulates inner wisdom and truth, fostering self-awareness and inspiring creative expression.
  • Chrysocolla: Encourages emotional healing and empowerment, amplifying creativity and artistic endeavors.

▶To gain maximum benefit from your crystals, carry them as much as possible, touch them and hold them in your hands. Cleanse them regularly.



  • 5 healing stones - Sodalite, Ametrine, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, and Chrysocolla
    (Due to the nature of the stones your set may look a slightly different in shape and colors. Each set is absolutely unique as each crystal is uniquely shaped).
    *** You will receive a mix of polished/tumbled and raw stones of the ones included in the set. If you have any preferences, please contact me and I would do my best to accommodate your requests.
  • Crystal meaning card
  • Crystal cleansing, activating & recharging info card
  • Everything in your crystal set will be beautifully packages ready for gifting and perfect for storing and carrying the crystals with you. 



  • All crystals in your set are cleansed, but we encourage you to still do it yourself before you start setting up your intentions. One way of doing it is to place your crystals under clean water for a couple of minutes and then put them on sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. This will help recharge the stones and release any unwanted vibrations and energy they may have picked.
  • After the crystals are cleansed you need to reset their intentions. Simply hold them and concentrate your energy into what it is you are trying to manifest.
  • You can carry the crystals with you or place them in a special place in your home, or by your bed. There's no rule, you just need to feel right and be open for the crystals energy.
!!! Please understand the above description is not a promise to cure ailments. Points of the description have been taken from crystal books and online resources. Crystal meanings are for spiritual support, not prescription or healthcare information. Crystal and Spiritual healing info is not a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. It is presented as spiritual support ONLY. Please do not forego medical treatment if needed. For medical info please seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional


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